Cloud Solutions

Implement, Monitor and Manage your Cloud Environment


Cloud Solutions

“The Cloud” is the buzzword today. What is the cloud, and how is it relevant to your business?

Wikipedia accurately describes “Cloud Computing” as – “Internet-based computing, whereby shared resources, software, and information are provided to computers and other devices on demand, like the electricity grid.”

The availability of internet bandwidth and server virtualization technology has enabled businesses to use centralized, shared computing resources, while improving service levels and reducing costs. Cloud computing has many forms – storing your data with an external provider is cloud computing, hosting your website with an ISP is cloud computing, hosting your email service with an external provider is cloud computing, and using shared computing resources like data processing and disk storage is also cloud computing.

We can help your business weigh the benefits of moving to the cloud. We can also assist in moving critical applications like messaging, web applications, and databases to cloud service providers like Amazon Web Services, Rackspace, Google Cloud etc.

Service Provisions

✔️ Build Private, public and hyper clould as per requirement

✔️ Implementation of Iaas (Infrastructure as Service)

✔️ Clould management

✔️ Moving Applications to Cloud


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